Coming to America (1988) / 星の王子 ニューヨークへ行く


前置きが長くなってしまったが、タイトルのComing to Americaについて書いていこうと思う。

『星の王子』という言葉が非常に印象に残っているのだが、原題は『Coming to America』。

アフリカの王国 ザムンダのアキーム王子(エディ・マーフィ)は21歳の誕生日を迎え、決められた相手と見合い結婚をすることに。しかし、アキームは見合い結婚に抵抗し、本当の愛とは何かを探しに、アメリカへ行くことに。出稼ぎ移民としてハンバーガーショップで働くアキーム王子。他の従業員やオーナーからは下に見られるも、品の良さや純朴さがオーナーの娘・リサの目に止まる。


Actually, I used to write movie reviews on WordPress.
I archived over 50 articles for 2 years although I tended to get bored every time I had started my blog.
However, the blog disappeared in an instant!
Yes, I forgot updating my server contract since I didn't have much time for online activity...
I tried to beg the server company, but they said if the customer didn't update the contract within one month after expiration date, they couldn't revive the data anymore.

I cried out in my mind, saying, "I won't write any reviews in the future!"... but it was impossible.
Whenever I watched movies, I wanted to write the reviews to share my thoughts with people who loved movies.
So I decided to register my account on Blogger not to lose the blog data.

Now, let's go to "Coming to America".
There was the VHS in my home when I was little.
I wondered if I thought this movie was old fashion or fresher than I thought in a way.

The Japanese title is "The Little Prince visits NY". The title was completely different from English version!
Speaking of "The Little Prince", Japanese people imagine the character as follows;
The Japanese film distributing company must have wanted Japanese people to feel affinities with the title.

In African nation of Zamunda, the king set arranged marriage for the crown prince Akeem(Eddie Murphy) on his 21st birthday. 
But Akeem didn't accept the marriage and decided to go to the US to search what was "Real Love".
He started working at a hamburger shop in NY. Akeem kept it secret that he was a prince. 
Other employees and the owner looked down on the migrant worker but only Lisa recognized his dignity.

You will have fun with the story because of the prince's extraordinary richness and his innocence although you will also see the unsecured NY city and the racism against African immigrants at that time.
This is a good comedy which you can watch with zero stress about 2 hours!

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